
WALCOM Advisory Board

The advisory board provides perspectives for WALCOM and advises the steering committee on strategic issues. Members are appointed by unanimous vote of the steering committee for an unbounded term (until resignation or revocation with an 8/9 majority vote of the steering committee). Membership is considered an exceptional honor to persons who have contributed very substantially to the development of WALCOM or of the field. Members of Advisory Board will have voting right in selecting the members of steering committee. Chair of the steering committee will be selected by Advisory committee.

WALCOM Steering Committee

Effective from May 2020, the steering committee consists of nine members of two types:
  • the permanent members with unlimited terms who were the steering committee members before May 2020 and have not retired (until their retirement or they decide to retire from the committee)
  • four members for 3-year term selected by the majority vote of steering committee and advisory board
  • If a permanent member of steering committee retires and the number of permanent members remains three or more, a new member for 3-year term will be selected by the members of advisory board and the members of the steering committee. If the number of permanent members becomes less than three, permanent members of the steering committee will be selected, to make the count three, by the members of the advisory board and the permanent members of the steering committee.
  • Contribution to the field of algorithms and computation as well as contribution to WALCOM will be considered in selecting a steering committee member.
  • Steering committee will select the organizer and program co-chairs and monitor the progress.
  • Program Committee and Organizing Committee

  • More than one program co-chairs will be selected so that one can handle the submissions of other co-chairs.
  • Program co-chairs will form the full program committee of around 25 members. Members of program committee should be renowned researchers in the field of algorithms and computations. There should be reasonable balance of senior / junior, male / female researchers. At most four researchers can be selected from a single country.
  • Program co-chairs will form organizing committee for organizing the event smoothly. Organizing committee will bear all the financial responsibility for organizing the event.
  • Organizing committee will provide invitation letters and other necessary documents for visa processing of the participants.
  • A program co-chair can also chair the organizing committee. Fixing low registration fee is desirable. Organizing committee can take financial sponsors for organizing the event if needed.
  • Guideline for Program Co-chairs

  • Form the complete program committee. Steering committee members may have some recommendations. Program co-chairs can request the steering committee members to recommend some committee members. After completion of full program committee members, the program co-chairs will report it to steering committee.
  • Obtain permission for LNCS proceedings and special issues of journals.
  • Fix keynote speakers for the conference. Discussing with organizing committee decide how much support can be provided to the keynote speakers.
  • Request keynote speakers to give a paper of 6-12 pages for publishing in the proceedings. Springer does not publish papers of less than five pages for publishing in Springerlink.
  • Program Co-chairs may take technical co-sponsorship of reputed and active professional bodies to attract good papers and to upgrade the ranking of WALCOM. However, prior consent of the steering committee is required.
  • Prepare a call for papers ahead of time so that it can be distributed in the previous WALCOM.
  • The call for papers should be prepared discussing with the members of the program committee. The scope of the conference may be updated by discussing with the program committee.
  • Work closely with organizing committee for smoothly organizing the event. Jointly with the organizing committee they will maintain a website for the conference.
  • Program committee will conduct review and selection process of the submissions. It is recommended that selection rate should not be more than 33%.
  • Report the progress to the steering committee time to time.
  • WALCOM Proceedings

    The proceedings of WALCOM have been published by Springer in LNCS series since 2008. The volume title is “WALCOM: Algorithms and Compuation”. Note that the volume title for ISAAC is “Algorithms and Computation” and to make the difference the volume title for WALCOM has been fixed as “WALCOM: Algorithms and Compuation”. Printed proceedings are distributed during the conference. Usually program co-chairs serve as the editors of the proceedings.

    Call for Proposal for organizing WALCOM

    Proposal for organizing WALCOM is to be sent to the chair of steering committee. The proposal should contain the names of proposed program co-chairs, venue and tentative dates. WALCOM is usually organized in the months of February and March. The proposal will be discussed and approved in the steering committee with/without modification.