Paper title | Citations |
partitioning graphs of supply and demand | 18 |
constant time generation of linear extensions | 25 |
distribution of distinguishable objects to bins: generating all distributions | 2 |
a quorum based distributed mutual exclusion algorithm for multi-level clustered network architecture | 3 |
pattern matching in degenerate dna/rna sequences | 28 |
approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals and transpositions | 69 |
a new data structure for heapsort with improved number of comparisons | 2 |
an efficient data structure using flash memory for mobile devices | 5 |
minimum face-spanning subgraphs of plane graphs | 7 |
upward planar drawings of series-parallel digraphs with maximum degree three | 9 |
methods for searching mutual visible-intervals on moving object | 1 |
orthogonal drawings of series-parallel graphs with minimum bends | 11 |
inner rectangular drawings of plane graphs: application of graph drawing to vlsi layouts | 1 |
Total | 181 |