Citations of WALCOM 2009 LNCS 5431 (extracted from Google scholar)

Paper titleCitations
object caching for queries and updates0
shape matching by random sampling7
the minimal manhattan network problem in three dimensions12
the exemplar breakpoint distance for non-trivial genomes cannot be approximated42
spherical-rectangular drawings1
an improved upward planarity testing algorithm and related applications1
matched drawability of graph pairs and of graph triples2
straight-line grid drawings of label-constrained outerplanar graphs with o(n logn) area (extended abstract)2
parameterized complexity of stabbing rectangles and squares in the plane15
on the computational complexity of monotone constraint satisfaction problems9
the planar k-means problem is np-hard420
core and conditional core path of specified length in special classes of graphs2
crossing-optimal acyclic hamiltonian path completion and its application to upward topological book embeddings11
the generalized stable allocation problem4
minimum cuts of simple graphs in almost always linear time0
network design with weighted degree constraints6
minmax tree cover in the euclidean space7
a fully dynamic graph algorithm for recognizing proper interval graphs10
random generation and enumeration of proper interval graphs13
recognition of unigraphs through superposition of graphs (extended abstract)15
generating all triangulations of plane graphs (extended abstract)4
efficient enumeration of ordered trees with k leaves (extended abstract)9
recursive generation of 5-regular planar graphs4
colinear coloring on graphs2
on exact solutions to the euclidean bottleneck steiner tree problem30
maximum neighbour voronoi games4
improved algorithm for a widest 1-corner corridor1
all farthest neighbors in the presence of highways and obstacles13
shortest gently descending paths7
algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in polygons2
line transversals and pinning numbers0
approximating shortest paths in graphs13
foundations of exact rounding7
a separator theorem for string graphs and its applications55